Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Busy Busy

I need to be better at posting more frequently. but boy this month totally got away from me! Had a TON of fun, we celebrated Ethans birthday and Ordination. Chad ordained him a Teacher in the Aaronic Preisthood. Man, I am so proud of both of them. Ethan has totally passed me up in the height department. Don't mind baby Ryan. His mommas whale of a belly takes up most pictures he is in...


Probably one of my favorites of the girls... this is totally them. we just said, ok now pose! and this is what we get... they are seriously hilarious.

Birthday Boy with his Bazinga Birthday cake. He loves Big Bang Theory,(the episodes we let him watch, lol) and thinks the whole Bazinga thing is hilarious... so we decided to make him a bazinga cake... well I thought the caution tape was hilarious(from the elevator if you watch the show) but no one really got it... lol... but thats ok. Ethan liked it and thats all that matters. Im kinda sad all my kids birthdays are over for this year, I love doing their cakes.. yet Im also really happy. I have mixed emotions about caking.

I tend to make a huge mess while caking....

Last weekend, the girls and I did a little project for above Ryans crib... I thought it'd be fun to have a pic of each of the kids when they were babies above the crib, along with a cute R for ryan, and Im waiting on a sign from etsy that says I am a child of God... should be really cute. Im excited. I will post a few pics when its closer to being done:) 
Lots of baby showers coming up... I cant wait to see all the fun little outfits and such he gets.
Unitl next time!  

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