Tuesday, October 8, 2013

baby showers

I am so excited as the weeks fly by in this pregnancy. Finally Baby shower time! The girls and I posing at my Moms shower... The girls put balloons in their shirts to look like bellies. They make me look wayyyyyy less preggy. I have a few more showers to go. I am so lucky to have such a huge family/ward/friends that love me! It was really fun to see a bunch of cousins/ aunts that I dont see much.. also... Baby clothes and presents are SO FUN! I cant wait to start washing, folding and matching little socks and clothes. I think my nesting phase is beginning. We are painting an older dresser and jazzzing it up a bit for all Ryans clothes. I think that should be my project this weekend. It will be cute when its done. I will be 31 weeks this week. It is so crazy to think that Im almost done... 6 more weeks and I will be practically term.. But no delivering until after thanksgiving! My doc will be out of town. Hopefully he wont decide to come until after thanksgiving. Momma wants her turkey dinner! :) More pictures.........

Me and my mommy. Had a great time with her and catching up with everyone. You can kinda sorta see my resemblance to my mom in this picture... I think our noses are alot alike..

Me and Meggy at home before the shower. How cute is she?? she pretty much has better style than me already. I tried on a bunch of stuff and she picked out the cutest outfit for me. plus we were kinda matchy... which is always fun.

Happy Tuesday:)

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