Wednesday, September 11, 2013

High flying fun

This was a really fun weekend. On friday night, we went to see Despicable me 2, and on saturday had a fun day at the park flying kites. We stopped at the store to grab lunch and a dowell for our kite. (we were missing one) and couldnt find any kite string. I'm guessing that since its september and not kite season, no other family is out looking for these things, so it was a bit challenging to say the least. \

Cute Bear and meggy at the walmart. I told them they were twins this day. I love how megs hair is exactly her dads color. I hope Ryan is blessed with this amazing red.

So once we had our lunch and started to get the kite up in the air, SNAP.... aaaand our brand new fixed up kite.. broke. Bear was pretty sad about it. so sad he went to get another new dowell. so, the girls and I sat in the grass and enjoyed the sunshine:)

Me and my silly girls. it was seriously a beautiful day. Im so grateful for them. Ethan never lets me get a good picture of him, but I will try again next week. lol

You would not beleive how high we got this kite to fly. I couldnt even get a good picture. There was no kite string.. so we did what any desperate to get our new kite in the air family would do.... we bought fishing line. yes. I said fishing line. 1,645 yards of fishing line to be exact. thats about 3/4 of a mile. crazy. and yes, we used all of it. When we tried to pull the kite in, the line just broke. so unfortunately, our beloved kite was lost. ;( It was really a fun day though, and the kids thought it was crazy to see how high we could get it. as for a baby update... baby ryan is about 27 weeks now. I did my glucose tolerance test today and passed with flying colors. WOOHOO! no needle sticks or metformin for me! we are growing and growing. so excited to meet him. OB appt next week!

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