Wednesday, December 18, 2013

41 weeker

Never thought I would find myself here... I am 40 weeks 6 days pregnant... I am going to say 41 weeks. I think I deserve to round up. This picture is me on my due date. (last Thursday)
It has been a rough couple of weeks. Since about 38-39 weeks, I have been in and out of "labor" I dont even know that you could call it that. I have contractions, timeable, crazy intense contractions, for hours. then, its like a magical thing happens. They go.. AWAY! When I say magical, I mean totally and completely maddening.
Tonight at 8 pm, I go in for an induction. All my false labor contractions have not changed my cervix at all. So tonight is the night. FINALLY!! I cannot put into words how excited I am to be done.

Okay, that was my rant. 
I really am so excited about meeting this little guy. As hard as the past few weeks have been, I know that when Im holding my baby boy, It will all be worth it. I have been home from work because of all the contractions. So I have been trying to enjoy my last days of pregnancy. Looking back, it has gone by so fast, yet is probably the longest thing I've ever endured.. 
no. Im not crazy.:)
Today I am filling my day with finishing things. House is clean. laundry done. Update the blog, and making sure the bag I packed really has all we will need. I am also making it a point to really focus on Ryan, really feeling all his movements, and knowing it will all be over soon. Im so excited to finally have him in my arms, but I know that today is the last day he will be inside me. My last day being pregnant. .

Ryan, Mommy loves you so much and cant wait to meet you. the past 9 months have been such an amazing experience and I will cherish the memories you and I created while you grew inside of me. I love you my boy.

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