Thursday, November 28, 2013


Im putting on my Grateful pants today. I need to wear them more often. Seeing how it is Thanksgiving, I want to write down some things I am grateful for... I am a bit anxious to get this baby out of me, and thinking about it, I really thought this would help me with my anxiety about the coming delivery and all the changes that are going on.  

1. FAMILY- Cliche right? A lame one that everyone uses. but seriously have you met my Husband? My sweet kids, this miracle growing inside me. I love him too even though he kicks my ribs like there is no tomorrow. Which, by the way I am grateful for, even though it hurts like crazy sometimes! Also, my parents, mother in law, and all the other amazing people I am lucky enough to say belong to my family.

2. The Gospel- How in the world would I ever survive without it? How would Bear and I raise these kids? How would we be able to cope with the many things life throws us? I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and His truth. Plain and simple.

3. Our jobs- I love my job, working with cute babies and mommies every day is such a blessing. It really has taught me alot about parenting a newborn too. Its like my very own prep class. Im grateful that my husband loves his job, too. For a while, it was so hard as a wife to see him come home every day totally miserable and ticked. Yet willing, to provide for his family. Now its amazing to feel happy to go to work every day. Both of us.

Only 3 things. Simple things. Yet powerful when I can take a step back and look at all I have..
I am going to make it a goal that with every post, I will write something I am grateful for. Even if i just mention it.

Happy Thanksgiving 

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