Wednesday, September 11, 2013

High flying fun

This was a really fun weekend. On friday night, we went to see Despicable me 2, and on saturday had a fun day at the park flying kites. We stopped at the store to grab lunch and a dowell for our kite. (we were missing one) and couldnt find any kite string. I'm guessing that since its september and not kite season, no other family is out looking for these things, so it was a bit challenging to say the least. \

Cute Bear and meggy at the walmart. I told them they were twins this day. I love how megs hair is exactly her dads color. I hope Ryan is blessed with this amazing red.

So once we had our lunch and started to get the kite up in the air, SNAP.... aaaand our brand new fixed up kite.. broke. Bear was pretty sad about it. so sad he went to get another new dowell. so, the girls and I sat in the grass and enjoyed the sunshine:)

Me and my silly girls. it was seriously a beautiful day. Im so grateful for them. Ethan never lets me get a good picture of him, but I will try again next week. lol

You would not beleive how high we got this kite to fly. I couldnt even get a good picture. There was no kite string.. so we did what any desperate to get our new kite in the air family would do.... we bought fishing line. yes. I said fishing line. 1,645 yards of fishing line to be exact. thats about 3/4 of a mile. crazy. and yes, we used all of it. When we tried to pull the kite in, the line just broke. so unfortunately, our beloved kite was lost. ;( It was really a fun day though, and the kids thought it was crazy to see how high we could get it. as for a baby update... baby ryan is about 27 weeks now. I did my glucose tolerance test today and passed with flying colors. WOOHOO! no needle sticks or metformin for me! we are growing and growing. so excited to meet him. OB appt next week!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Timer

I've got to say that I am very excited to start this blog! Welcome... to whoever really reads this. I am starting this blog to document our many family adventures.  Let me introduce you to the characters in my story that I call life...

First of all, my amazing, sweet hubby, Chad. AKA- Bear. He has been called bear since he was a baby. Our family has a thing with nicknames and this is where it all started. We were married on May 11th, 2011. He is the love of my life and I have no idea where I would be without him. He is hilarious, loving, an amazing dad, and to boot, an excellent hubby. I am one lucky gal.

My 3 amazing too good to be true step children. (no, Donald Duck is not a part of our family... dang.)
Seriously I cant believe I was so blessed to have these kids as a part of my life. Ethan-(left) AKA Cub. again with the nick names.:) will be 14 this month. He has grown up SO MUCH since I met him a little over 3 years ago. He has his dads spunk, and sense of humor. He's hilarious. Every time I see him, there is always a new joke. He is such a great kid, and so smart. I learn so much from him. Love this dude.

Megan-(right) AKA Mouse. Just turned 12. She, too has grown immensely, and is such a beautiful girl, inside and out. She is so talented in so many ways. She is an expert at all things hair, makeup and nails already, and has the kindest sweetest heart. She is my shopping buddy, and partner in crime. She is always willing to help with whatever I need. We have tons of fun jamming out in the car, getting ready together, and getting chocolate milkshakes from mcdonalds. She is truly special to me. Love you meg.

Lauren- (middle) AKA Peanut. The funniest 10 year old you will ever meet. She is so much fun. Lover of all things pink, disney, and fairies. With faith, trust and pixie dust this little peanut can do all things! She makes life fun and magical, and I love the kid she brings out in me. She is always willing to bring a smile to her siblings and family when needed. I love my pea..

And last but not least, Baby Ryan- (nickname yet to be determined) This is the newest addition to the Fitzgerald clan. Ryan Randall Fitzgerald. He is due December 12th, 2013.  I am 26 weeks ( about 6 ish months) today, and he is growing like a weed! I love his sweet spirit already, and cant wait to see what he looks like. His siblings are so excited and I cant wait to see all of them play. He is such a blessing and we are soooooo grateful for him.

And that's all of us! I am so excited to start documenting all the amazing adventures and blessings that come.