Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Its been a while since my last post. I need to get better. I keep saying that. I want this blog to be something I can look back at for memories. How can I do that if I dont post often enough! October was a fun month filled with cute kids, costumes, baby showers, and restless nights with an achey back. Halloween was really fun. Lauren was a Cheetah Cat, Meggy was Wonder Woman, and Ethan, well he said he went as a "gamer" he wore his normal clothes and just went to a buddies house to play Xbox. :) We also had some fun with the costumes this year. We went to a murder mystery party where we were asked to dress up as Professor Plum from clue and his wife. It was great. Our actual Halloween costumes were a hit at the ward party too :)

How cute are they? two additions- megs friends mae and jaymee. check out meggys guns in the back! she really is wonder woman :)

Basketball Player and the basketball. I am so glad we did this. although Bear had an awful cold this day, he was a trooper and dressed up with me. love my hubby.

annnd professor and Mrs. Plum - and their baby plum on the way

As I get closer to my due date, I am more and more in awe of my Heavenly Fathers plan for families and His love for all of us. I cant believe we were able to conceive so easily, and the joy Ryan has brought us already. not just Bear and I, but our kids as well. I know that a new sibling is a HUGE adjustment for everyone, but the kids are just so excited. I know that the Lord has been a huge part of their acceptance and love for their brother. And I couldnt be more grateful. I am 37 weeks now. Although my due date is 3 weeks away,I am now FULL TERM. Baby boy could come any day now. I have been making all the last minute preparations. Buying the diaper bag, packed and car seat/ boppy all ready to go. and, Christmas decor up/ about 75% of shopping done. I know it may seem like overkill, but I know I wont want to do any of it after. I want christmas to be about our family this year. I am so excited to celebrate Christs birth with ALL of my family. Little Ryan included. 

GULP. 37 week belly pic... dont mind the messy bathroom. I would be lying if I said Im not nervous at all for delivery. I am terrified. which is irrational, I know. But, I think a little fear is healthy :) as much as I want this kid here already, I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks of my pregnancy. I love feeling his little wiggles and hiccups inside me, and I know all too soon I will be even more sleep deprived than I am now.

Here's to a healthy last 3 weeks.

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